Mini Project #1 for SM6327

Title: MAZE

Artists: Tolo ZHANG, LIU Yuran

Artist Statement:

Maze is an art game which expresses the relationship between “regularity” and ?disorder?.

The traffic lights in the cross are the ordered brought by regularity.
The people generating continually and randomly in the maze presents a state of disorder.
The flow which is the relationship between the speed of people escaping maze and the time is the instant reflection of the system’s regularities change.

The audience can interact with maze by reorganizing the regularities in the system.
Although the audience’s change of regularities is random and disordered, it also will generate a new order in the maze.


We got the inspiration from observing pedestrians who wait for the green light in front of the cross.

When a traffic light turns red, pedestrians who need to cross the street wait for the green light in the roadside. Different pedestrian has different destination. But in the process of these pedestrians reaching the destination, the traffic light rules allow them to present a special order.

After we presented the idea to Tomas, He advised us to do some research on entropy.

entropy is a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.

“the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time?

In our system.Among regularity and disorder, is a relationship of dialectical unity.The speed of people(ball) increases over time. People is random in size, direction, speed, and color. With people constantly being created, the maze gets more and more complex and out of order. In other words, entropy is increasing in the system.However, in the flow on the right side, which shows the relationship between the speed of people who escaped the maze and the time, it can be found that there is a relationship between the speed of people who escaped from the system and the time. Even if an audience changes the traffic lightings in a random way, the flow will change momently, and after a period of time, it will take on a new organized pattern.


1.traffic rules

Two kinds of Cross (four fork and three fork) are designed.


We designed the non-walkable block is designed in the shape of Maze.


random speed, birth location, direction, speed.


The design of the exit was adjusted once.
In the beginning we set up an exit for the maze.We found no matter how we change the lightning in the maze, the flow almost unchanged.
The people in maze just like water in a river. The exist like a small dam cannot directly affect its flow.
Then we added 2 exits to the maze.In the final design, there are three exits.


? Optimize the generation of agents to reduce the costs
? Set the GUI to let the audience decide the minimum and maximum of amount, lifespan and speed.
? The numbers of death of agents was calculated
? Be able to handle many many ?agents’.
? The number of agents and the maze setup should be parametric



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